Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

My dear friend Kimberly and her sister Kristina came to visit during the Memorial Day weekend. We had the best time, and Ryan and I absolutely loved having them here!

Happy Birthday, Daren! We had a fun time celebrating Daren's birthday at The Redfish Brewery in Boulder. Angela did a great job arranging everything, and I think Daren was surprised. We are so thankful for this fantastic group of friends!

Sis has been doing a great job working hard at Starbucks. We love it because she gives us free pounds of coffee! :) Here are a couple shots of her in action. I can't guarantee how long these will be up because she wasn't exactly thrilled after realizing I had the camera out while she was on the job.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Week 12

It's the beginning of week 12, and there is a definite pooch that has never been there before. This is the last week of the 1st trimester, and Ryan is glad because that means my mood swings should finally be tapering off...until around week 28 as I've heard they get even worse. Oh boy, look out!

Fresh fruit and vegetables is all I crave, and most restaurants absolutely gross me out. Sick.

We learned that this week the baby's fingernails are forming and it could even be sucking it's thumb! Everything is formed, just continuing to grow.

The weekend was great. We helped friends move into their beautiful new home and attended a couple graduation parties. Emi came over Friday night and made her famous mashed potatoes. We grilled out and then she beat us in Gin Rummy. (Is that how it's spelled?)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Spring Snowstorm

Last night we had a winter storm warning. Winter?! It's the middle of May! It was 80 degrees at noon and by 6pm it dropped to 46 degrees. We ended up only getting rain, but the foothills and mountains got all of the snow. Welcome to Colorado!

Monday, May 12, 2008


It's clear that Ryan is the one who is in the "nesting" phase at this point. Bless his heart he is such a hard worker. Here's what he (with a little help from me) has accomplished since we found out the baby news:

  • Installed hardware on the kitchen and bathroom cabinets and drawers
  • Added to our landscaping
  • Organized the guest room closet
  • Installed new hardware on our family room end tables and sofa table
  • Installed new ceiling lights in the guest room and office (all by himself!)

We had fun telling our friends at church yesterday our news. They were all really excited for us, but also couldn't believe it. Two of my girlfriends kept saying, "I knew it, I knew it!" Great, so in the words of Ashlee Simpson, "I must look like I've eaten 10 cheeseburgers or something." And I'm vegetarian!

Friday, May 9, 2008

A Sister's Gift

Click on the link above. There is a picture of Aunt Rita holding a framed picture of Aunt Rebecca and the kids during her battle with breast cancer. There is an article within "The Color of Courage" called "A Sister's Gift." Please take the time to read it!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Waiting on the World to Change

I never thought I would become a "blogger", but the time has come as we want to keep our family and friends updated on an exciting time in our lives. We're expecting a baby! We are probably still just as surprised as you are reading this now. So even though this wasn't necessarily planned by us, we are super excited and happy to start a family. We're glad it happened this way.

November 30th is the due date, and I am 10 weeks along. It's crazy to think that we'll have a baby before Christmas time! I feel so fortunate to be feeling so great! I've been somewhat tired, but
have had no morning sickness.

We made the long 19 hour drive home last weekend to share the news with our parents in person. It was so worth the trip. Their reactions were priceless! As you can imagine they are so excited. :) This will be my parents 3rd grandchild and the 1st for the Eddy's.