Friday, May 29, 2009

Hooray TinCaps!

Thursday evening we attended our first Fort Wayne TinCaps baseball game at the new Parkview Stadium. The TinCaps donned pink jersies that were to be auctioned off to raise money for the Vera Bradley Foundation for Breast Cancer. The entire city was to wear pink for breast cancer awareness. It was a fun night full of friends and entertainment. Derek loved it and even managed to drift to sleep despite the annoying hecklers seated behind us!

Derek and Mommy

These are Derek's new friends Wes and Amber. He is excited to meet his other new friend (their daugther) to make her debut at the end of June!

Aunt Rita and Miss Joan (the childcare supervisor at work) having a great time.

Derek pictured with "Aunt" Kim at the start of the game. He just loves her!

Congratulations, Katy!

Ryan's cousin Katy is graduating from Center Grove High School this year. She had her graduation party on Memorial Day at the middle school, and she had a great turn out. Everyone had a great time. The only reason Derek is fussy in the picture with Katy is because he doesn't want her to be growing up so fast. ;)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Painting Party

Goodbye mustard yellow and salmon orange, hello garden sage and meadowlark! We spent Saturday and Sunday painting the kitchen and family room. There's no way we could have gotten it all done without the professional help of my Pop! He willingly gave up his weekend to help us out, and we are grateful. :) Mom helped, too by watching Derek for a while and we so appreciated it.

We're beginning to make our house a home. Isn't it amazing what a little paint will do?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day

What a fantastic first Mother's Day! It was really such a special day, and it was a lot more meaningful than I had anticipated.

As I walked into the kitchen to get my morning cup of coffee, there was a gorgeous boquet of roses that greeted me! Ryan and Derek each had a card for me, and Derek gave me some m&m's as well. :) They made me feel so special, loved and appreciated. It meant so much!

We had my Mom and Dad over for a Mother's Day lunch that I wanted to put together to honor my Mom. It all turned out reeaaally good if I do say so myself. ;)

After lunch we went on a nature walk and then played a game of Gin Rummy. We had the most enjoyable time just being together. I am so thankful for my Mom, and I think I admire her even more now that I am a Mom as well.

I thank God for Derek Reid and feel so blessed that Ryan and I have been given the opportunity to raise this little boy. I love my little Buddy! :)

Just Some Cute Misc. Pics :)