Thursday, April 9, 2009

Buddy Loves Bumbo

Derek had his 4 month check up yesterday. He is a healthy little boy at 15 lbs. 6 oz. and 25" long. It was time for another round of vaccinations (ugh--I still don't feel right about giving 4 month olds live viruses.....). He barely even whimpered. What a brave little boy!

He did so well that Mommy had to stop at Babies R Us and get him a surprise for being such a brave boy. He got a Bumbo!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Welcome Home Daddy!

Ryan was away for business for a few days this week. Derek did a great job of being man of the house while his Daddy was gone, although we both missed him lots. I'm not sure if Ryan missed Derek more or vice versa, but it sure was a sweet reunion. :) I love my boys.


Derek had visitors last weekend -- Aunt Rita and Lee Ann. He was so excited to see them and enjoyed being the center of attention. They brought him his first Tommy Hilfiger T-shirt (so adorable), and boy is he looking forward to sporting it around the ladies this spring and summer.