Friday, February 20, 2009

Home Sweet Home

We finally found a home!!! It is official as of yesterday afternoon. The papers are signed, and we hope to be able to move in a few weeks once the inspection and appraisal happen.

The bank owned home we've had an offer in since December never got back with us. (Their loss.) We knew we didn't want to wait forever, so we expanded our search of homes and came across this one. We love it, and now we are so thankful the bank owned home never came through! God is good!

Buddha Belly

Look at that chubby belly! Adorable, huh? Derek weighs about 12 lbs. now. He sure loves his baths and even thinks it's funny to get his diaper changed. He is full of smiles, although my camera didn't capture them yesterday.

His new favorite thing to do is stand up while I hold onto his hands. He is getting quite strong, and Daddy and Mommy fight over whether he is going to be a football player or a dancer. ;) However, tennis just might end up being his sport! We shall will just be so much fun getting to know the type of person God designed Derek to be!


It was a little after 8pm Thursday and I hear a knock at the front door. It was Kelly (my cousin) and her adorable son Jasiah!!! What a wonderful surprise! They live in California, so we aren't able to see them nearly as much as we'd like. Jasiah had an entire week off school for President's Day, so they took advantage of the time off and decided to hop on a plane to visit family.

It was so great to spend some time with them. They always have such interesting stories of life's adventures. Apparently Jasiah has quite a few (made up) stories he enjoys telling his friends Kona and Indigo at school. tee-hee.

Growing Boy

Here are a few pictures of our cute little boy. His Pop-Pop had to wear the camo t-shirt for an event at his school and was so proud to be matching Derek that day. Too cute!