On our way we were able to stop in St. Louis to visit my dear friend and college roommate Diane. Unfortunately, we weren't able to see her husband Bill because he was working. At least we finally got to meet their little boys, Kahlua and Oreo. :) The visit was brief since we needed to get back on the road, but I am so thankful it worked out for us to see her and their beautiful new home! And the road trip continued...
Instead of making the 18+ hour drive in one day as we usually do, we decided to stop for a nice dinner and hotel stay in Hays, Kansas...On a side note I praise God that I did not grow up in Kansas! haha.
We arrived in Fort Collins Wednesday afternoon, and we are so happy that my parents are here with us for a while. They are both teachers, so they are on no set schedule this summer. When they are ready (and we hope it's not too soon) they will catch a plane to Phoenix to visit Jake, Kim, Elijah, Samara, plus their 3rd one on the way! Kim is due just 5 weeks after I am due!