Monday, September 15, 2008

Random Thoughts

well, I really don't have time to be blogging right now considering the fact that we are moving in less than a week. There is SO much to get done! Life is a little overwhelming right now, but I need a bit of a break. So, I blog.

The Jonas Brothers get on my last nerve anytime I happen to hear one of their screechy, annoying songs on the radio or catch a glimpse of them on tv. Why on earth are they all the rage right now? There's not much talent or personality there, if any in my opinion.

The fact that we are leaving Fort Collins has not sunk in yet. I've spent the last couple of weeks preparing for the move and saying goodbye to friends. It still hasn't hit me because I've been focused on what needs to get done and picturing what our new life will look like in Fort Wayne. Even though I am elated to return near family, I know I will cry Sunday morning as we leave the house we made our home. It will be strange to never return to the places and people that have become familiar over the last few years.

This is week 29 of the pregnancy! Baby moves all the time and is definitely getting bigger. My new favorite game to play when Baby is active is called "name that body part." I learned that at this point Baby can open and close it's eyes and will turn it's head toward a source of light. Some say that it can even see silhouettes of people!

I have quite a few thoughts on today's politics and the presidential race as does everybody else. It has been an interesting race so far, but I will be glad when it's all over (as long as it turns out the way I want it). ;) I won't take the time to put down all my thoughts, but all I'll say is Sarah Palin has impressed the socks off of me! You go girl.

Okay, back to my list of things to get done. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good luck! :) It's always good to take a break when packing... I'll be praying for yoU! Take care of that baby... no heavy lifting - but do eat lots of chocolate :) Can't wait to see you in FW!