Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day

What a fantastic first Mother's Day! It was really such a special day, and it was a lot more meaningful than I had anticipated.

As I walked into the kitchen to get my morning cup of coffee, there was a gorgeous boquet of roses that greeted me! Ryan and Derek each had a card for me, and Derek gave me some m&m's as well. :) They made me feel so special, loved and appreciated. It meant so much!

We had my Mom and Dad over for a Mother's Day lunch that I wanted to put together to honor my Mom. It all turned out reeaaally good if I do say so myself. ;)

After lunch we went on a nature walk and then played a game of Gin Rummy. We had the most enjoyable time just being together. I am so thankful for my Mom, and I think I admire her even more now that I am a Mom as well.

I thank God for Derek Reid and feel so blessed that Ryan and I have been given the opportunity to raise this little boy. I love my little Buddy! :)


mikeanddebbie said...

What GREAT pictures!! Glad you had a wonderful first Mother's Day!!

Unknown said...

So excited to see new pics!! Little buddy is soooo cute! Can't wait to see him again. Happy first mother's day :) :) And btw, tell your mom is she is only getting younger - she looks so beautiful...

Caldwell Family said...

OMG!!!!!!!!! First of are beautiful, your mom is beautiful, and Derek is soooo cute!!! (tell Punk he's okay too). Derek in his elephant towel is precious...he has the prettiest eyes! We miss you guys and can't wait to give Derek a big hug.