Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bump, Set, Spike

Ryan's cousin Katy plays Volleyball for The University of Indianapolis. It just so happened that she had a game scheduled in Fort Wayne! We were so excited to see her play. Katy is an excellent athlete, so it didn't surprise us at all that even as a Freshman she got some playing time. Way to go Katy!

Katy's Fan Club

The star athlete and her biggest fan

Ryan's Uncle Jeff & Derek could barely hold in their enthusiasm (c'mon guys, we won!)

Derek with his Grandma Deb

Katy in action. She is the blonde far left.

way to go #5

1 comment:

Kevin & Amanda Schaller said...

Wow!! What a handsome little man Derek is becoming! He looks so big and he's seems so happy :) What great parents you 2 are! We need to have a play date soon so Zackary and Derek can become great friends!!