Monday, November 8, 2010

Trick or Treat

This Halloween was the first that we took Derek trick or treating. He did surprisingly well going door to door. It was as if he innately knew what to do. He went as a puppy dog because he told me that's what he wanted to be. A few weeks before Halloween I asked, "Derek, what do you want to be for Halloween?" His response was, "dog" even though he obviously has no concept of Halloween at all. Ha!

Mom and Pop came over to see him, and I'm SO glad they did. We had a great evening!

The previous night we went to a Halloween party at Courtney and Matt's. We had so much fun, and all the costumes were really creative. I went as a gothic, Ryan went as a tourist (booorrring), and Derek was the same cute puppy dog.


mikeanddebbie said...

Oh my gosh Heather! He looks so much like your Dad! Love your goth costume...and seriously? A tourist? Come on! :)

Caldwell Family said...

Oh girl!!! I have been waiting very patiently on an update. I am SO excited to see new pics of Derek!!! He looks so grown up. How did that happen? It feels like we were just pregnant. He is so cute and looks so happy! I'm so excited to see him again. I'm beyond happy for you to get to live near your brother and sister in law, but mostly to be around those kiddos! You guys are going to have a blast raising kids near eachother.

Kevin & Amanda Schaller said...

So cute you all! I love it!